1.The reason for the appearance of black on the surface of disassembled lithium battery electrodes

The possible reasons for the black appearance on the surface of lithium battery electrodes during disassembly are as follows:
1.1 Formation of SEI film: On the negative electrode surface of a lithium-ion battery, a thin film called SEI is formed. This film is generated from the decomposition of the electrolyte and serves to protect the negative electrode material from direct contact with the electrolyte, preventing reactions between the solvents and salts in the electrolyte and the negative electrode. This film may appear black.
1.2 Electrolyte decomposition: The solvents and salts in the electrolyte can react with the negative electrode material, producing byproducts that may appear black.
1.3 Lithium aggregation: During the cycling process of a lithium-ion battery, lithium ions tend to aggregate on the surface of the negative electrode, forming metallic lithium. These lithium metal deposits may react on the surface, resulting in the formation of black substances.
2.The generation of black substances can have the following effects on lithium batteries:
2.1 Capacity loss: The formation of black substances can reduce the available amount of lithium ions in the battery, resulting in a decrease in battery capacity.
2.2 Decreased cycling performance: The formation of black substances can increase the internal resistance of the battery, leading to a decline in cycling performance and a shorter battery lifespan.
3. To prevent the generation of black substances, the following measures can be taken:
3.1 Optimize battery design: Modifying the structure and materials of the battery, such as using coating materials or additives, can improve cycling performance and reduce the formation of black substances.
3.2 Control battery operating conditions: Controlling the charging/discharging rates and temperature of the battery, as well as using appropriate electrolyte compositions, can reduce the generation of black substances.
3.3 Choose high-quality battery materials: Selecting high-quality battery materials and electrolytes can minimize the generation of byproducts.
3.4Perform proper battery maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the battery, promptly addressing any black substances on the surface to maintain battery performance and lifespan.
It is important to note that disassembling lithium batteries is a hazardous operation and should be performed by professionals in a suitable environment. Additionally, when handling batteries or battery materials, it is crucial to follow safety protocols to prevent accidents.